Hey everyone, We have super exciting news to share with you! We are participating at a contest called “Not without my team” at a very well known radio station called …
Hello Cuties, even though right now is a critical time and everything is turned upside down, I still try to use this time as good as I can. I’m very …
Here are some press articles I wanted to share with you, in case you want to read them again. Thank you so much for your support! https://www.op-online.de/region/muenster/muenster-diana-sink-meine-musik-letzten-schliff-bekommen-12843507.html https://www.da-imnetz.de/lokales/gross-zimmern/musikerin-diana-sink-begeistert-wohnzimmerkonzerten-gross-zimmern-7193541.html https://www.extratipp.com/hessen/diana-sink-gross-zimmern-sammelt-spenden-rumaenien-6965190.html https://www.stadtpost.de/dieburger-anzeigenblatt/diana-sink-buchen-damit-gutes-tun-id24937.html …
This year we had the honor to play at the Schlossgrabenfest again! We had an amazing night and are so happy that you all joined us and made this concert …